IIMB is happy to launch its second edition of “Athithi”,an initiative by the alumni office and the office of international affairs to help students get exposure to the local social life and culture. We launched the first edition last time and the response from the participating students and alums was very positive. The students got to learn a lot about social customs, cuisine, diversity, education and political ecosystem, challenges and opportunities in India, business environment, etc., over wonderful conversations over dinner and lunch! Some of the students were lucky to witness a South Indian traditional marriage and make a visit to a nearby village. All of this happened in a safe and welcoming environment that expanded the awareness levels of the students about India and its potential.
The students will have the opportunity of staying for a weekend (Sat and Sun) at an IIMB alumni’s home during this programme. The students will get connected to the alums and their families to help set mutual expectations. This programme is open only to Bangalore based alums and the programme shall begin from last week of September to the third week of November.
We would like to believe that this initiative has the power of transforming people, breaking stereotypes and building empathy amongst participants.
IIMB alumni who are interested to offer their homes for a stay for the
weekend would be required to fill in the application form as provided below –
Last date to receive applications: 15th September 2019
To ensure privacy, safety and comfort of the exchange students, we have
devised some broad guidelines as given below –
- A separate room for the student (preferably with an attached washroom).
- More than one student can stay with a family provided both parties are agreeable to it and set their mutual expectations.
- Married alums with families preferred.
- IIMB alumni are expected to adhere to the highest standards of etiquette, values and behaviour that enhance the prestige of being an IIMB alum. The underpinning of this effort is best captured in the phrase – “Athithi Devo Bhava”!
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and would like to share some of the happy moments of our first edition of Athithi.