Anusmaran 2018: Gallery of Celebrations
Anusmaran 2018 was celebrated over the past month in 18 locations around the globe, and was visited by 22 faculty of the institute. Below are some moments which were captured for eternity:
Dubai Chapter
Chennai Chapter
Pune Chapter
Sydney Chapter
Singapore Chapter
IIMBians in Singapore got together on 12th May to celebrate camaraderie in Anusmaran 2018, one of the biggest event in the history of Anusmaran with over 100 participants including alumniās family.Ā A lively discussion took place between the faculty Prof Mukta Kulkarni, Prof K Kumar & Prof Souvik Dutta and alumni on how we can strengthen the relationship between the alumni and IIM Bangalore.Ā Anusmaran 2018 was a profound success with stalwarts from 1988 batch to interns & new joiners gracing the event with their presence. A common theme that resonated with everyone was identifying ways to give back to the institute and society. Everyone left with a positive community feeling and a promise to stay in touch. Shijo captured these wonderful alumni moments to cherish them until next Anusmaran 2019.