Comedy show by Improv Indian Tribe organised by IIMB Orators club and IIMBAA
As part of a new initiative, IIMBAA (Alumni Association) has been forming interest groups to promote various activities amongst smaller cohorts of alums. This has energised alums to interact across batches and start conversations on areas that are close to their hearts. In this context, the theatre interest group led by the IIMB Orators Club (part of Toastmaster International) along with IIMBAA organised a comedy show by “India Improv Tribe team” (earlier called Punchatantra) on November 25, 2018 . The event was filled with laughter, fun and entertainment.Indian Improv Tribe, an improvisational theater group performed an unscripted yet super funny act “The Magic of Improv” for our Alumni.
About Indian Improv Tribe Team: The team has members who have performed with International Improv teams like Providence Improv Guild (Providence, USA), Sea Tea Improv (Hartford, USA) and Oaktown Improv ( San Francisco) and Jet City Theater (Seattle).  They have performed more than 200 shows across four countries.The team has some popular faces of Bangalore like RJ Prithvi aka Bangalore ka Bond; RJ Shaayan, the popular prankster from Red FM, Saveen Hegde, a  TEDX Speaker and design thinking specialist