Spectra 2021 in association with Wells Fargo
Analytics Society at IIMB hosts the annual analytical festival ‘Spectra’ on March 19th and 20th

The Analytics Society at IIM Bangalore organized its annual two-days analytics fest called Spectra in March 2021 in association with Wells Fargo in a virtual set-up. The students participated from several colleges across the country in 4 events organized as part of the fest.
The fest kicked off on 19th March with Treasure Hunt, where the participating teams raced against each other to solve ten mind-numbing and humorous puzzles to discover the treasure at the end. During the event, the participants and the organizers shared laughter due to several innovative and funny answers. The second event shortly followed the treasure hunt event, namely, Crossword, wherein the participants filled interesting voids by delving deeper into the world of analytics.
On the second day, the Analytics Society conducted the third event called Search & Scavenge, and the participants shared their smiling pictures with unusual items. The fest concluded with the flagship case competition called Bits & Bytes, wherein the shortlisted teams presented their solutions on an intriguing stock market business problem to the jury panel. The panel consisted of two representatives from Wells Fargo and Decision Sciences Professor Jitamitra Desai from IIM Bangalore. The top three teams went home with prize money worth 170K.
Overall, the fest gave a rewarding break to the participants from their academic hustle and a much-awaited experience of steering events to the analytics society’s Junior Coordinators.