Changemakers: Bengaluru NavaNirmana Party – Srikanth Narasimhan, PGP 2000

More often than not we find ourselves questioning the system and governance on its working and effectiveness. But usually, the woes of our daily lives catches on and we get entangled in the roles of a commoner. Only a handful of people break away from this uncomplicated set-up and take on the responsibility of reforming the society.

Mr. Srikanth Narasimhan is a befitting example who belongs to the fraction of the society that wants to make a difference. When most folk cringe at the thought of politics, Mr. Narasimhan decided to become a part of a new political faction – Bengaluru NavaNirmana Party (BNP) to clean the system and improve the quality of living of Bangaloreans. In an exclusive interview with Mr. Srikanth Narasimhan.

What is BNP? And What is the focus of BNP?

BNP is a Political Party of, by & for the citizens of Bengaluru. Our motto/ ideology is GOOD GRASSROOTS GOVERNANCE for Bengaluru & BBMP to be administered on the ground.

Please tell us more about your background and your role at BNP?

I am the Founder-Director of Veda, a leading investment bank in South India. I have over 20 years of corporate experience after completing my PGP at IIMB in 2000. I have co-founded Bangalore Apartments’ Federation (BAF) and have been able to help build BAF into a strong group of ~500 apartment complexes representing ~3 lakh citizens. As a responsible citizen, I have also helped to build apartment residents community as one of the most socially accountable communities in the areas of waste/water/energy/wastewater management and community engagement.

I am on the governing council of BNP and assist in organization building & responsible living.

What inclined you to venture into politics and pursued you to contest the municipal elections?

BBMP Elections happen once every 5 years. The last time it was held in August 2015. It should be technically held by August 2020 but given the current situation, it is likely to be postponed by about 5 – 6 months. 

Bengaluru is among the most active cities when it comes to citizens’ activism. Many citizen groups like Bangalore Apartments’ Federation (BAF), Whitefield Rising (WR), Citizens For Bengaluru (CfB), CIVIC, Citizens’ Action Forum (CAF), Federation of Villa Communities (FOVCAB) and many other NGOs & RWAs have been actively working towards bringing governance to the city. These organizations have built a strong grassroots connect too, through connects with lakhs & lakhs of citizens of Bengaluru. While these organizations have been fighting to bring governance, the quality of the elected representatives (a combination of integrity, passion & competence) has been thoroughly abysmal. Consequently, we have seen the rapid deterioration of the city with frothing lakes, potholed roads, stinking drains, piling garbage, etc. leading to extremely poor quality of living. Frustrated citizens from the various citizen groups have decided that enough is enough and have come together to form Bengaluru NavaNirmana Party (BNP) with an exclusive focus on Bengaluru & BBMP / Municipal Governance with a clear objective of getting good, clean & competent citizens elected as Corporators to start bringing about change.

How prominent is BNP in the city and Who are your team members?

BNP currently has a presence across the city in more than 100 wards with active leaders in about 70 wards. Team members comprise the Governing Council, Core Working Group, Executive Committees, Ward Leadership Teams as well as Line Function Leaders. Profiles of some of the team members is enclosed in the presentation. I am General Secretary cum Governing Council Member of BNP, Sridhar Ramanujam is a Governing Council Member and Rajiv is Lead for IIM Outreach and part of the Ward Leadership Team of Ward 150 – Bellandur. We have more than 1500 people across various parts of Bengaluru who are part of our groups and spreading the message of BNP.

What is the on the topmost priority agenda of BNP? Is there a manifesto link you would like to share?

The topmost priority agenda of BNP is to bring transparency to the Rs. 10,000 crores annual spend of BBMP, together with making sure that the relevant work is done with active citizen participation in the 198 wards of Bengaluru. As part of this, BNP is building manifestos for different functions of BBMP, some of which have already been done and available on our website – with the rest under progress.

How is BNP involved with the community, in making a difference and impact?

BNP has been involved in grocery distribution as well as in mask distribution in various underprivileged communities as part of the COVID-19 relief efforts. More details of the campaigns are available on our website

Is there any ask of alums?

We need a lot of financial resources raised in a clean & transparent manner to contest elections. We also need to spread the message on the importance of BBMP Elections (which is the municipal election of Bengaluru) as well as BNP among the educated class, working professionals and corporate employees. The alums can play a very key role in helping raise money for the party as well as in spreading the word among their respective communities and organizations. 

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