Faces of IIMB
We are introducing a new section in the newsletter. The intention of this section is to introduce the people, who work behind the scenes, meaning the very backbone of the institute – the staff members. The institute relies on its staff members for a smooth and effective working system.
This month’s edition would be very close to some alums as we are covering staff members who have recently been superannuated from their services at IIMB. These members have worked in the Hostel, Canteen and Telephone departments. As students, many of you would have interacted with them, shared a laugh or two, or even played a game or two with.

Mr. Krishna M Joined the Institute on 16th October 1979 in the Hostel department and has served the Institute for 40 years 7 months. During the period of his service at the Institute, Mr. Krishna has been working in the Hostel Mess and is presently holding the position of Head Cook at the Hostel Mess. Mr. Krishna is known for his hard-working nature and commitment to his work.
Your journey at IIMB –
When I had initially joined IIMB, I was appointed at the hostel facility in Jayanagar. I moved to the main campus only in 1982. I have literally seen the campus grow both in scale and infrastructure. My work at IIMB has been fulfilling for me. I enjoyed all my duties whether it was at the Hostel on in the Mess. Every meal I have prepared was with the feeling of love for my family members. I used the freshest ingredients possible and made most masala’s from scratch. None of the students ever gave us any trouble and were always jovial and friendly with us.
Any message for Alums / Students?
So many of the students, I have known, have graduated and become successful and famous people. I feel very happy for them. Some of the students have come back to the institute as faculty, I remember them all in fondness. A special mention to the students from Hostel C and ladies students who were always kind and nice to me. All the students made my work at IIMB a very pleasant experience.

Mr. Venkateshaiah K joined the Institute on 1st January 1984 in the Horticulture department and has served the Institute for 36 years 5 months. During 1996, he was moved to the Telephones Section in the Estate Department. He is presently working as Senior Executive at the Estate Department overseeing operations and maintenance of the Institute telephone infrastructure. He has also been monitoring the operations and maintenance of STP infrastructure and Biogas plants from time to time. Mr. Venkateshaiah is very sincere and known for his hard work.
Your journey at IIMB –
Working at IIMB was God sent to me. I have never felt happier. My work and responsibilities were very fulfilling and satisfying. I had joined the institute in 1984 and the greenery that everyone appreciates so much is the hard work and efforts of everyone from the Director to the gardener who made it all possible. I have worked under the guidance of Mahadev Sir, who was a visionary and encouraged rainwater harvesting and had wells dug throughout the campus. I recall all the saplings and seeds that were brought were offered to God for blessings to grow and bloom.
I have everyone at IIMB to thank for the no tension life I have had at IIMB. I could build a house, my children could get a good education and I never had a negative moment at work.
Any message for Alums / Students?
I thank all the students of IIMB, especially the ones I have interacted with closely. We used to play sports like TT, Cricket in our spare time. They treated me like family and always treated me well. I have always seen very healthy and clean discussions among students and their sincerity towards their studies and determination inspired me to be better at my job. I thank them all and wish them well during this corona pandemic.

Mr. P K Joshi joined the Institute on 19th October 1983 initially on a casual basis and later his service was regularized on a permanent basis w.e.f. 28th October 1997 as an Electrician in the Estate Department. Mr. Joshi PK has served the Institute for around 37 years and is currently working as Senior Office Assistant at the Estate Department. Mr. Joshi PK is known for his hardworking and quiet nature.
Your journey at IIMB –
My journey at IIMB began in 1983. Those were the early days when institute was beginning to expand in terms of infrastructure. My duties were mostly in the L, M, A Blocks. I recall the days when there were only basic facilities at the campus, we didnt even have a generator then but I am particularly fond of my olden days at IIMB. It was much greener and had lots of open space compared to today. Said that, IIMB has one of the best and most open spaces compared to a lot of other institutions. Today IIMB has become a prestigious institute with world class facilities. I am proud to have worked at the institute.
Any message for Alums / Students?
I wish that they stay well and safe in these difficult times. My good wishes to all the current and passed out students. They are students of IIMB, they are hardworking and sincere. So whatever they do in life, I am sure they will achieve great heights and success.
I take the opportunity, on behalf of all the IIMB community to thank these extraordinary people for their dedication and hard work which made the lives of everyone working and living at IIMB effortless. The passion of these people resonates with the spirit of IIMB and we salute their efforts.