NSRCEL Start-up: BonOrganik
BonOragnik is a Green, Organic, Sustainable, and Fashion Savvy brand that is ticking all the right boxes and creating a place for itself. They make our everyday lives colorful and turn joyous occasions into a celebration. They are not just putting smiles on people’s faces but our globe breathes a little better because of brands like them. Incubated at NSRCEL and creating waves of change.
What is BonOrganik? How was the idea conceptualized?
The word Bon is a French word which means good hence Bon Organik stands for good organic products, which we founded in 2012 as a digitally native organic baby apparel brand and later diversified into kids wear, twinning apparels & accessories as well.
While there was lot of talk regarding organic food, its impact on the environment and health back in 2012, organic apparels was unheard of on Indian shores.
The fashion industry produces 10% of all humanity’s carbon emissions, is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply, and pollutes the oceans with microplastics. If the fashion sector continues on its current trajectory, that share of the carbon budget could jump to 26% by 2050. It takes about 700 gallons of water to produce one cotton shirt and that’s enough water for one person to drink at least eight cups per day for three-and-a-half years. Organic cotton is grown using natural seeds (not GMO) and using natural means of pest and weed control (no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers). It costs the farmers less (eliminating high debt and eventually, suicides!), and it costs the planet a lot less too in water & energy savings.
To a great extent we think we have the eco-conscious millennial to steer the fashion industry in the ‘green’ direction however the data says something else. People bought 60% more garments in 2012 than in 2000, and they only kept the clothes for half as long.Millenails consume 38% more than there previous generation.
These facts were enough for me to start brainstorming about organic apparel and how we could get them to mainstream fashion. Today we are India’s largest cool conscious clothing brand with more 6 lakh+ followers on social media and have delivered more than 2 million orders.
What is the USP of BonOrganik? And Who is your typical customer?
BonOrganik is the ultimate destination of cool conscious clothing. We have disrupted the model for sustainable fashion which is very niche to something that can be consumed by every kind of consumer by providing them with products that are quirky and cool apart from being conscious.
It is a notion that sustainable brands need to green, brown and plain. But the GenX needs fun! The environmental impact for a digital logo to be red or green is the same.
In the digital era a sustainable brand can be fun and create a larger environmental impact.
To find out, we commissioned Green Story to do an Impact Report to see how we’re doing on certain key metrics of water savings, energy savings, emissions, and land preservation. And good news – the report looks great! Our small business is making a big impact! For instance, we have saved 224,039,819 liters of drinking water!
What are the products and services offered by BonOrganik? And where and how can one place an order?
We are available on our website www.bonorganik.in. Our current portfolio of products includes twinning apparel for the entire family, licensed kids wear clothing & recently we added face masks to our collection.
What changes have COVID-19 brought in business and how have you turned this into an opportunity?
The Covid-19 pandemic has magnified digital influence in the buying of apparel, being an online-first company we are very excited and have started receiving orders from remote locations as well. Across categories, we are observing changes in how and what consumers buy. For instance, our top-performing category currently is our anti-viral face masks.
This year has been a real eye-opener in every sense, especially in making us realise what matters. Making mindful fashion choices post COVID-19 is no longer just an option; it’s the only way forward if we want to preserve our environment and live a better life.
How has BonOrganik been contributing towards battling the current scenario?
We are utilizing our facility to make SITRA certified PPE kits for the front liners and are providing it to many hospitals and government bodies. We have partnered with global concerns India an NGO to provide masks free of cost across the slums of Bangalore and to ASHA workers. Also, we donate one free mask for every sale made at BonOrganik to the same effort.
Your earnings and experience at NSRCEL.
Being a part of NSRCEL has opened many doors for us. Everyone at NSRCEL is extremely supportive, positive, and inspiring. I would specially mention Prof. Sunil Handa for being our mentor and selflessly contributing so much to our organization.
A life lesson that being an entrepreneur has taught you?
Self-doubt can hold you back and prevent you from achieving your full potential. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’re going to put too much importance on all the hurdles and noises along the way.
Any advice to young entrepreneurs.
Create what you truly believe in and good at. It is going to be a long journey that will practically consume every ounce of your life. If I would be doing fintech which I know has all the checks as far as funding, market size, growth is concerned I would have wrapped up by now.
You can further reach BonOrganik on their website https://bonorganik.in/ or by phone on 080-46801051